Regency dress embroidery
It was painstaking but I've completed embroidery on my regency dress! I've used traditional stitches to the best of my abilities and...
WBP - George I - Part 3 - FINISHED!
I have spent ALL DAY working on this and I am so glad I did because my handsome Georgie is finished! Do excuse how lumpy he looks, I only...
Postman Presents!
I had lots of deliveries from Mr. Postman today, mostly stuff I didn't really need but something exciting arrived with them! My hand...
Mistakes a plenty.
Silly me forgot to put a seam on my bodice where there should've been one... Right down the front, literally couldn't have been more...
Braided Buttonholes
Something I have really struggled to find examples of are braided buttonholes! Nothing, nowhere! It wasn't until I went to Cosprop that I...
I may or may not have made a mistake... I noticed that my skirt was wonky on my pink dress so after some investigation I found that I'd...
Which way to lace?!
You'd think that lacing a corset would be easy, wouldn't you? Just like lacing a pair of shoes, right? WRONG! Who knew there were so many...
Historical Eyelets
I began today undecided. Do I use metal eyelets for strength, or hand sewn eyelets for historical accuracy. Accuracy was winning by lunch...
Historical buttonloops
I was debating how to do the button holes on my regency dress. It's such fine fabric, I didn't want to pull it by sewing a modern...